Row of black workstations

Quick IT Guide (Students)

This student guide is provided as a quick reference checkpoint for all technology related tasks that will make you a better acquainted and successful student. The menu on the left provides links to more information on all the topics given below.

Quick Guide for Students

Check out this quick, downloadable IT guide for students. This document covers all things from what your NetID is, to how to access all of our supported applications and systems.

Key Terms to Know

  • NETID: Montclair State ID account that is used for most technology related services on campus. To activate your NetID or update your password, please follow the instructions provided on the Active & Manage NetID and password page.
  • CWID: Eight (8) digit number assigned to students upon enrollment at Montclair State University.
  • CANVAS: Montclair State University’s learning management system (LMS). Canvas is known for its user-friendly online environment and ability to easily connect instructors and students, both in and out of the classroom. Canvas includes basic LMS functionality for managing enrollments, sharing documents, submitting assignments and assigning grades, as well as personalized features for individual students. All support is provided by clicking on the “Help” tab in the application or by calling the IT Service Desk. More information is provided in the Student Canvas Guide.
  • NEST: Acronym for Network Engagement and Student Transactions. It is the primary web gateway for all services provided through student self-service, including course registration, checking grades, updating personal and emergency contact information, paying housing deposits, reviewing financial aid information, viewing upcoming summer and fall registration information and viewing important announcements. All these services can be reviewed through the NEST Tutorial and FAQ documents.
  • RAVE: App that allows you to get text alerts about emergencies on campus or get assistance from Campus Police (RAVE Guardian). Rave setup guide.

Setting Up Email, Storing Files and Checking Your Calendar

Google offers all University students unlimited storage on Google through its Google Apps for Education Program. In 2014, Information Technology migrated all students, faculty and administrative staff to Gmail. In order to access email, please log into Gmail using any standard internet browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox or Chrome) and use your and NetID Password. You can also download the Google Apps to your smartphone and/or tablet to have access to all available titles.  For documentation and directions on Google Apps for Education at Montclair State University, please visit the Google Email and Google Applications page.

Register Your Device to the Montclair State Wireless Network

You must register all devices that require wireless internet access (i.e. laptops, desktops, tablets, gaming devices or smartphones) by using your NetID and password. In order to register these devices, please follow the directions (on-campus only) at Connect To Wireless Network to connect to MSU WiFi or MSU Secure.

Printing on Campus

Montclair State University provides each undergraduate student with virtual dollars in order to print in the public computing labs or from personal devices (smartphone, laptop, tablets or etc). We manage this by using a print management system called PaperCut. If a computer has PaperCut installed, you will see a popup appear in the top right-hand corner.

Undergraduates – $40 (virtual credit):
800 pages single sided (simplex) B&W or 1,142 pages double sided (duplex) B&W
Graduates/Doctoral – $50 (virtual credit):
1,000 pages single sided (simplex) B&W or 1,428 pages double sided (duplex) B&W
It is important to note that the virtual allocation is based on fall and spring enrollment.
Winter and summer enrollment allocation is $20 (virtual credit).
Color printing: Color Printers can be found in the lending laptop labs in both Sprague Library and University Hall.
Scanning & copying: A multi-functional device can be found in the laptop lending lab in University Hall.
More about printing is provided through Printing on Campus page.

Computer Labs

There are five computer labs across campus available to students. Visit the Computer Labs page to find out their location and work hours.

Borrow a laptop for class

Visit one of the laptop lending labs located on the first floor of Sprague Library or the fifth floor of University Hall to borrow one of our state of the art laptops loaded with Course Software. All laptops loans are four (4) hours and you MUST have a valid Montclair State ID card to borrow. In addition to laptop lending, we also loan out a limited amount of iPads on the fifth floor of University Hall (UN). More information is provided through our Laptop lending policy.